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Immediate response to frequent questions: read below!
Recommended: click here to download the PDF manual (ZIP compressed; with some versions of Windows you'll need the free WinZip). PaperKiller's user interface design is original and handy: see the first 2 chapters of the PDF manual (concise, step by step, with images) in order to learn the basics, and increase your productivity right now!
Examples? Download the trial edition, then open the PaperKiller manual,
Are there any tutorials for main features?
Yes, in the internal manual (”?-Help >Help”, then Tutorials). Or click here.
Can PaperKiller manage frames? And what about the mouseover? The keywords? Can it create HTML Help? Does it make the coffee...?
The answer is always yes (well... not for the coffee, but we’re working on it...!). To learn more, scroll below, see the fast tour, take a deeper look at the online manual, where you’ll find all the features (click here), or take a look at the tutorials (click here).
I have previously used another editor and I can’t understand how to manage HTML files with PaperKiller...
With PaperKiller you edit a whole manual, not codes and files. You can export HTML; and, if required, you can import old HTML pages using "File >Import", the code is automatically optimized. If you really need to touch the HTML code yourself, we would advise that you search for another program!
I imported HTML pages into the manual, but nothing is showing up!!
Use CTRL+ & CTRL- to move between pages.
I don’t understand the way PaperKiller saves pages.
All hypertext pages are saved in a whole “AEH” file. With “File >Save all” or with the toolbar button, you save all hypertext pages with a single click.
...in the tutorial it says:...then, let’s press the link button in the toolbar (sheet and chain, or > "Insert >Link" from the main menu)... but there is no button labeled "link" in the toolbar...and which toolbar?
Select a text block, then choose from the main menu “Insert” then “Link” if you aren't able to find the button with the image of the sheet and the chain. If you are on an image, use the right mouse button, and choose “Define link”.
How can I set the size of a page?
You can’t set the size of the page, as you can’t know what monitor and what window will be used by the people that will see your manual. The safe way is to always use % tables (it is the default in PK) and to not assume that the pages have a fixed size.
I want to change the page numbering as I want to insert a page between page 1 and 2, but I can’t.
Yes, you can’t. If you really need to do that, you can insert say a page #3, copy the #2 to #3 with “Edit >Paste page from...”, then delete all the text within page #2. Agreed this is not quite what you are looking for, but the automatic numbering is very useful to optimize the publishing speed. Please remember that the end user will not see the PaperKiller page numbers, only the page titles, so it really makes no difference. If you were to label page 24 as "Page 1" and page 45 as "Page 2" this would have no effect on your readers, as the PK page number is just a facility to allow you to switch pages without having to remember the proper page names.
Can I change the number of page #0?
This is not possible. If you want to set another page as home page, simply choose “Hypertext >Current hypertext properties”, and click on the left, on “cover”. Any page can be used as cover, not just the #0. The #0 is just the default.
How can I fix a page width to 535 pixels, in order to obtain the ideal setting when printed to paper?
You can fix this width for a table. Use the right mouse button on a table cell, and click “Properties”. However, it is better to use % tables, so your work will display well on all monitors, from 10 to 19”.
How can I place a link inside the same page?
The links within the same page are called “Anchors”. You need first to place the “Anchors”. In order to do this, move the cursor to the link destination and use “Insert >Anchor” from the main menu (or SHIFT+F5). You will see an anchor icon. If you select it with the right mouse button you can edit its properties. A number is assigned to each anchor.
Now select the text block or the image you want to link, and use “Insert >Special link” (on an image, right mouse button, “Define special link”). Click on OK in the window that will be shown. Then you will see a dialog where you can select the destination Anchor. Click on the anchor, then click OK. You can test the result in “read only” mode (Hypertext >Read only).
How can I link to an anchor placed in a different page?
Select the text block you want to link, then “Insert >Special link”. In the dialog that will be shown, do not choose the first tab but one of the others (e.g. second tab “Normal”), then OK, and select the destination page. Within the preview of that page you can click on the destination Anchor (the number will be copied in the box that’s on the right at the bottom of the window).
Can I insert an alternate text on a link, like I can do for images?
Select the text and apply the link with "Insert >Special link" (or F5). Then click on the "HTML" tab. In the box insert the following tag: TITLE="insert here the tooltip text". Then click on the first tab and choose any of the link types (for example the second sub-tab, "Normal", then OK).
What should I do to save a single page?
You can use "File >Save as...", or "File >Export pages". In this way you can obtain single Rtf or Html pages.
I've not been able to find out if I can have different colors for links in the same frame...
You should define different text styles. Each text style can have its own color/style for the links. Use "Format >Styles", then the last tab ("link"). You can also set up the style of the link (underlined, bold, or so).
Where can I find information about pages contained in an hypertext / manual /catalog? How can I manage pages?
Creation: "Insert >New page", "Insert >Link", "Insert >Special link".
Deletions, management: "Hypertext >Images /files /link archive and erase".
Access: "Hypertext >Go to page", the bottom center page number box, right mouse button on this box.
When I'm editing a *.aeh file, how can I delete a page (in my case page 0 as it is empty)?
Page 0 can't be deleted. For other pages, use "Hypertext >Images /files /link archive and erase". You can also cut & paste another page to fill the page 0.
I don't understand how to insert a link.
Select a text block, then press the button with a page and chain. In the window displayed, you can link to an existing page in the hypertext, or to a newer one - more options are also available.
If for example you choose "new page", then press OK, PaperKiller will create the new page for you, and will show the page in the editor. If you link to an existing page, you can choose it from an active preview - active means that you can navigate through it like in a browser. When you press OK, the link is made and PaperKiller shows the destination page in the editor. See also the tutorial.
How can I link an external Html page, for example an Html page that already exists on my Web site?
Select a block, chain button, choose "Internet", click the “Add” button and write in the left box the address (e.g. "http://mysite.com/ mypage.htm"), then press "OK".
How can I manage the pages different from the main one? Just with links?
In the bottom center there is a box with the current page number. Click on it with the right mouse button, you will have a list of the most recent visited pages. You can also use “Hypertext >Images - files - link archive and erase”, “Hypertext >Go to page...”, “File >All pages...”.
How can I copy a page within another in same hypertext (with HTML I can do it with "save as", then "open". Is there another way in PaperKiller)?
"Insert >New page", then "New page by copying existing one"; or "New page by copying from another hypertext", ...
You can also use "Edit >Paste page from...".
How can I manage headers and footers?
If you use "? >Help" and search for the keyword "header" or "footer" (Search >Keyword search) you'll get the answer.
In short, you can use any page as header or footer for any other page, i.e. if you want a global header for the whole manual:
- create a page and insert within it all things you want in your header (a logo, a sentence, etc.).
- choose "Hypertext >Current hypertext properties", second tab, and press the "browse..." button near “header”. In the window that will be shown, choose the page you just created.
With “Format >Current page properties” you can define a private header (or no header) for any page.
Do you have some step by step guidelines on how to create, open, and close popup windows?
To open a popup, select a text block, "insert >special link", 3rd tab (independent window or popup). To close a popup, in the page where the popup should be closed, use "insert >page functions >open/close windows", then specify the name of the popup. The popup is closed on entering the page. You can open the .aeh files used as examples (speciallinks.aeh).
Is there a limit to the length of the URL you can insert with "Insert >Link", 3rd tab?
Yes, there is an internal limit. You can insert longer links very simply, by using the "Long link plugin": it will install a new menu under "Insert >Link to". Click here for the download (save somewhere on the desktop and double click to install; click here for more plugins).
What is the maximum number of pages I can use? Is there a maximum size?
Each PaperKiller AEH file can contain up to 400 pages and include up to 400 images. You can use an unlimited number of AEH files. There is no maximum overall size.
The program says "Please delete objects with Hypertext >Images - files and deletion, or buy HyperPublish". Is this normal?
Yes, PaperKiller stores each image in an internal album, so even if an image is deleted from the page, it is still kept in the album, which has limited available storage.
You can rectify this using any of the following methods:
- delete unused images using "Hypertext >Images - files and deletion" (select an unused image and press the DEL key)
- divide the work into two or three AEH files, (you can link these AEH files, see below)
- upgrade to HyperPublish at a discounted price (HyperPublish album has no limits).
Will your program allow me to create an index at the top of a page, create a paragraph or graphics several lines down the page, use the indexed item as a heading for the paragraph or graphics and link to it, also add a 'return to top of page' at the end of each paragraph?
You can insert any kind of links but you have to insert links manually.
You can use "anchors" for links within the page. The program can create an automatic linked index with "Insert >Index". To repeat a block on the top of a page, use the Header function (Format menu).
Does percent % size mean the table will automatically be sized to the content?
It means the table will fit the screen pixel width, using a %. When you insert a new table, the software use 100% as the default. Unless you have a particular requirement, do not change this setting. It will fit automatically any browser window.
I inserted an image in a table. Why does it appear in all cells?
Perhaps you inserted the image as the table “background”. If you want to insert an image as a single “cell” background, use the right mouse button on the cell, “Properties”, second tab, then click the Sun and Cactus icon.
When I have to write words in 3 columns do I have to insert a table or can I just use the space bar?
It is better to use a table. Never use the space bar as, if you view the page from another PC, the size of the space might be different and you will lose the alignment.
How can I create a table with more than a column within a row?
You can insert a new table with any rows or columns within a cell of another table.
How can I delete a table?
There are many ways. For example put the cursor on a cell, press the right mouse button, then choose "Select table", then press DEL.
How can I copy a table?
Select the table as above, then press CTRL+INS. Move the cursor to the destination, then press SHIFT+INS.
I'm having a problem formatting text in a table. The table text automatically formats itself to Times New Roman (my default font is Arial) and I also can't select the entire table, column or row to apply the required formatting.
The table default style is "[no style in tab]". Simply change that style with "Format >Styles".
Animated GIFs don't play in the editor!
Move to preview mode (Hypertext >Read only).
How can I move images and position them somewhere in the page? I can’t position an image as I would like.
The “fixed” position for an image is good when you create a text that will be printed on paper, but has no sense for a manual or a CD, where the reader can see your work inside an unknown width window. Your user might use a 600 pixel or a 1200 pixel width window, and you don’t know that. The best thing to do then is to create a work that will be seen well on any PC, in other words a work that all readers will like. To do this, simply use “invisible” tables (i.e. tables without any border) to position images on the page.
If I want to add a caption near to an image is it better to use tables or frames?
Better to use a table.
How can I delete an image inside a table?
Select the image and press DEL two times. If the image is a background, choose “Table >Properties”. To delete the table, right mouse button, “select table”, DEL.
Can I write some text over an image, similar to using layers in a graphics program?
No, you should use PaintShop PRO or a similar graphics program to achieve this.
Is there a fast way to change the image background for all pages of a manual?
There are two ways. If the background is already an image, use “Hypertext >Images - files - link archive and erase”, select the image, then press “Replace...”. Otherwise there is a button in the bottom right of the second tab of “Hypertext >Current hypertext properties” dialog.
How can I place text beside an image?
Create a simple table with one row and two columns. Inside the first column, insert the image. Inside the second one, insert the text.
I am having trouble inserting an image with transparent background. Sometimes it works and sometimes not.
It should work for the large majority of GIF images. However, not all images are suitable to be automatically converted using the included transparent-color processor, so you may have to proceed manually with paint programs such as Paint Shop PRO or Corel Photo Paint.
Is it possible to add more than one clickable area (hot spot) on an image? For me, the clicking areas seems to disappear...
If you don't test the areas in "read only" mode, they will work perfectly. You can insert up to 20 areas per image. If you need more, you can split the image in different sections with a paint program.
I see the "paste from clipboard" can perform the automatic conversion of a WMF to a GIF / JPG format with a lower byte size. As I already inserted WMF images, can I convert them to GIF in some way or must I reinsert them?
Unfortunately, you must reinsert.
I can't insert animated GIFs with "Insert >Animation"!
Please use "Insert >Image".
Where can I find the included clip art?
In the “Insert >Images” dialog, “From disk”; click on the icon with the mountain and the sun.
In a hypertext with lots of images, it seems as though there are problems with previews.
Use “Tools >Program options” to increase the image cache settings.
How can I insert pictures that will be enlarged in a separate window when you click on them? Should I use the click area / hot spots? What can I do with a click area?
A click area is useful when you want to assign different destination links to different sections of a single image. For example let’s say you have a picture of yourself. You can assign an area to the eyes, an area to the mouth, and so on. A click on the eyes may display a page where you talk about your wonderful blue eyes and so on... :o)
If you want to create a gallery with some thumbnails linked to larger images in a separate window, you don’t need to use hot spots. Simply create a page containing a series of small images, then insert a new page for each enlargement and assign links to each small image (right mouse button, “Define special links”). Inside the “special link” dialog you can specify to use a popup to display the destination link (the page containing the larger image), and you can specify a name for the popup.
How can I insert pictures that will be enlarged in a separate window when you click on them? Should I use the click area / hot spots? What can I do with a click area?
A click area is useful when you want to assign different destination links to different sections of a single image. For example let’s say you have a picture of yourself. You can assign an area to the eyes, an area to the mouth, and so on. A click on the eyes may display a page where you talk about your wonderful blue eyes and so on... :o)
If you want to create a gallery with some thumbnails linked to larger images in a separate window, you don’t need to use hot spots. Simply create a page containing a series of small images, then insert a new page for each enlargement and assign links to each small image (right mouse button, “Define special links”). Inside the “special link” dialog you can specify to use a popup to display the destination link (the page containing the larger image), and you can specify a name for the popup.
Is there a way to place icons of thumbnails on my page, then click to view a larger image?
Yes, just insert a little image (you can do it with a paint program) then insert a link (right mouse button, "Define link") to a page that contains the larger image. If you use "Define special link" you can also show the larger image in a popup.
How can I set a background image or a background color for a page?
“Format >Page properties”, then click the icon with the cactus and the sun.
You can also insert tables using an image as the background (click on a table or on a table cell with the right mouse button, then properties).
I designed a navigation bar in Paint Shop PRO, how do I insert that into page and add links to each button?
Insert >Image then add hot spots (clickable areas) with the right mouse button, then define links with right mouse button.
I have an image and some text on one page. I want the text to line up on the right of the image, and I suppose using a frame will do it, but I can't get my image into a frame.
Better to use a simple table, rather than a frame. Just use "Insert >Table" then use a table with 2 columns, 1 row (if you want to create frames, simply drag the top or left border of the edit window).
I imported a picture into my document. Is there any way to add a border or is that something only available in the full version?
You can do this with a paint program.
Is there any way to assign an image as a border for a page? I have an image that is about 1 inch wide and I want it wrapped around the page. Can this be done?
You can create a table with 3 rows x 3 columns, and use the image as background of the 8 externals cells (right mouse button from within the cell, then select "Properties"). If you edit the Style of the paragraph that contains the table ("Format >Styles"), you can eliminate the upper and external borders that this solution often leaves.
If I change the font height, sometimes this is lost when I write additional text. Why?
Do not move the cursor after changing the font style.
Can I save a style?
Yes. Simply write its name in the styles cell, then press ENTER, and the settings of the current paragraph will be saved as style. You can also import styles from another hypertext. For creating new styles you can also choose “Format >Styles”. See also the manual for more info!
How can I recall a style I saved?
Simply click on the styles cell and select the required style!
How can I change the style of the links within a table?
Like any style, i.e. by using "Format >Styles". The default style for tables is [no style in table]
Can I change the charset such as for Russian?
Within Hypertext >Current Hypertext properties you can change the charset of the HTML (enter for example windows-1251 for russian).
I have created a manual and used some of the fonts installed on my computer for the document. The problem I have is when other people view it, the fonts are not the same as the ones I used to create the document. Should I use just fonts that are universal on all computers?
Yes, Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New. If the user has MSWindows+Office usually also Verdana and some others. If you want to use a fancy font for titles, you may use transparent images - we have a free "plugin" that permits you to do this automatically (you select a text, you click a button, the text is instantly transformed into an image by using the current font). The image will be identical for all the end users. Please see www.visualvision.com/plugin/ "text to image" plugin.
How can I delete some frames I inserted?
You should delete them frame by frame. To delete a frame you should move its border to the top or to the left (depending of the kind of the frame). It may be faster to choose “Format >Advanced frameset manager”, to load a simplest frame set from a template, then press OK.
How can I remove the frames border?
Choose "Format >Page properties >Frame properties" (or use the right mouse button). In the dialog, uncheck the box “show rectangle border” and write 0 inside the “border between frames" box.
I am working with frames and I noticed that the frames will not allow me to align text/images to the top right-hand corner. It looks like the frames have a top margin of about .5". Can I get rid of this?
Yes, define a style where the top margin of the style is something with a negative number (-0.01 should be sufficient) and apply that style to the first paragraph, then you may insert a table within that paragraph and experiment within it.
I want to add a page with frames. I want to use as an existing page as a frame.
Create a new frame set. Within a frame, use the right-click mouse menu to select which page will fit the frame. You can also use "Format >Advanced frame set management". See the chapter about frames.
I have a page with too many frames. I went to "hypertext", then "images - files - hyperlink archives and erase" and tried to delete the pages with the frames. When I go back to the page, the frames are still there. What am I doing wrong?
You probably deleted another page. When working in the page with the frames, press the "no frame" button at the bottom of the page. That switches the view to "no frame" mode, (note: it doesn't actually delete the frames, it is just a display option). This way you will see which is the master page for the frame set. Delete it and the frame set will be deleted. Another way to delete a frameset is to replace it with another, (Format >Advanced frame set manager).
The templates seem to be in a foreign language, maybe Italian! Where could I get English ones?
The templates are not in Italian. It is a dummy latin-like language that has no meaning. The text is there purely to fit the page for demonstration purposes. You can replace it with anything you like. To edit the images, right click then choose "Edit...". To put your own text on some buttons please use "Insert >Image" then search for an empty clip art button (for the regular edition, see the Clipart folder, there are several empty buttons), then you may right click the image and use "Edit..." in order to superimpose a text with your default graphic / paint program. Alternatively, you may get the 3D Buttons software.
When working from a template, I am unable to edit any of the links to change their appearance or function. Clicking on a link and then right-click, "Edit" sends me to Tools, Program Options, where there is no info on editing
If you have a recent edition, right click then use "Link properties", otherwise just use "Insert >Link" (or right click then "Define link" on an image) and the link will be deleted and / or replaced.
If you choose "Edit" on an image, the program will attempt to run your default graphic / paint program (if any).
I can't get the spell check working!
The application uses the MS spell check engine. Some installations of Office 2000/XP mess things up. A practical solution to get things working quickly is to install an old MSWord release (for example Word 7). Another solution (for English MSWindows editions only) is to download this ZIP (click here): first close all programs, then extract the .dll .dic and .lex files to the directory shown in the ZIP archive. Then double click the SpellFix.reg file, this will update the registry file.
Can I create a CD with PaperKiller for a third party? Are there some royalties to be paid? Should I include any license information?
You must get HyperPublish for creating and distributing CDs to third party. PaperKiller does not include the redistribution license. You have no royalties to pay if you distribute works created with HyperPublish, any CD created with PK may be freely distributed. Click here to learn more about HyperPublish.
If I have an existing Web site that I would like to put on CD-ROM for distribution with search features, can I import the site into PaperKiller and then tweak it to use your built in search engine?
You can import HTML files in PaperKiller, but often you need to reformat them, as PK removes some incompatible tags that some other editors use. Some editors generate codes not compatible with all browsers. You might want to take a look to HyperPublish (click here) if you want to work on both Web sites and CDROM.
Does PK support DB files when on CD?
Ho, PK does not support DB files.
I have several PDF files that I would like to place on a reference CD. Can PaperKiller import PDF files? If not, how can I link to PDF files?
You can't import PDF but you can simply link them with the "run:" command, i.e. you can place links like "Click here to read document #1", where a click will launch the PDF (search for “Advanced CD functions” in the online help). You may also include the Acrobat Reader on the CD and run it with the same "run:" command, i.e. you can place a link such as: "please click here to install the Acrobat Reader if you don’t already have it".
Can I use a Java Applets, Active X controls, Javascript, VBScript or ASP when creating a CD? I added an applet and I can view it in the browser but when I build the CD the applet doesn't show.
The PK internal browser can't run Applets, Active X or Javascript. You can however export as HTML files (File >Export) then create an HTML CD.
I have created a CD with the internal CD Wizard, but when I install it on a PC, it transfers all AEH files to the users HD. Is there a way to avoid this?
Yes you can instruct the program to leave the main part of the files on the CD, (this way your user will need to keep the CD inserted to see your work).
Can I protect the CD with passwords?
No. You should use EBooksWriter PRO for doing this. There is a discount for PaperKiller owners, (A software bundle of EBW & PaperKiller is available at a discounted rate, so if you want to get both, just click here; you can also get EBW + HyperPublish, click here).
I'd like to be able to have one link on a page that says "Available documents" and when the user clicks it, a window will open showing file folders and available files to use. There will be around a hundred files on this resource disk, and to create links to all of them would be too much work.
Select a text block, choose "Insert >Link" from the main menu, choose the 3rd tab, then the "Add +" button, then instead of "http://.." enter "run:c:\path" or "run:cddrive:\path" (in the latter case, the program autodetects the CD-drive when the Reader is installed from the CD-ROM, and automatically replaces the cddrive keyword).
Does your software support PDF files or can I convert them into something else?
With PaperKiller you can create an hypermedia CD with links to PDF files. You can also include on the CD a page where the user can install the Acrobat Reader (see run: function in Advanced Functions Chapter). PaperKiller can't import PDF files, but many clients are using the handy PK interface to manage collections of PDF files on CD.
Indirectly you can save your works as PDF. If you have the Adobe product installed, choose "File >Print" then print to the "Acrobat Distiller". You "print" to this printer, you actually get a PDF file.
If you don't have Adobe, there are also other products that works same way (= do install a "fake" PDF printer under MSWindows). One is "PDF camp" (click here); another one is Go2PDF (click here).
There is also a more complex way by using the free "Ghostscript" (you can find it on simtel.net): you should install a fake PostScript printer (an Apple LaserJet for example), print to FILE: (instead of LPT1), save the file as filename.ps then use Ghostscript to convert from PS to PDF. A correct Ghostscript command on the DOS prompt is gswin32c -q -d -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=c:\nomeoutputfile.pdf nomefile.ps).
I'm having trouble getting *.HLP export. What is the difference between *.HJP and *.HLP, as I only seem to get *.HJP to export, and this certainly doesn't work as a *.HLP file
HJP (and other files generated by PaperKiller) must be compiled with the MS help compiler (HPC) in order to obtain the HLP file. PaperKiller can do this automatically but HPC should be installed. Click here for more info.
I have problems creating a .CHM file (HTMLHelp)...
First verify that the Microsoft HTMLHelp Workshop is installed (click here for more info). If ok, choose "Publish >Export pages", then, at the top, "HTMLHelp" as the format. In the "path" tab please choose a temporary directory for the temporary files needed during the process, e.g. c:\temp. Then press "Ok". If the Help compiler doesn't automatically start, select the c:\temp folder within Windows Explorer and double- click on yourfilename.hhp (if file extensions are disabled on your PC, you should see 3 yourfilename files, in this case please click on the one shaped). Once the HTMLHelp Workshop is started, choose "File >Compile", and you'll get the .chm file.
After I compile as HTMLHelp, a page doesn't show in a Window. When in simple HTML or while in PaperKiller it works...
You should include that page somewhere in the TOC (Hypertext >Predefined page order - TOC), so the Microsoft Compiler is able to find it.
Can I use a .CHM for context sensitive Help?
Yes you can. The Context-ID (or Topic ID) for each page is the page number. See your programming environment manual to see how to call an HTML Help topic by Topic ID.
What if I want to call context-sensitive Help (i.e. I want to call a chosen page when the user hits F1), in Delphi 3/5? VB?
Delphi: download this unit (click here), and add it to the “uses” section. Then use “Project >Options” to assign the name of your .CHM file as Help File name. Then insert the page number you want to call in the “HelpContext” section of each control (as you did for WinHelp). VB: click here.
How can I modify the HTML of a page?
You can just add code, you can’t modify the automatically generated HTML. If you want to add code manually, use "Insert > HTML", or, with any object selected, use the right mouse button, "Properties", and the HTML tab.
I want to supply the Html file name for a page. For example "mickey.html" instead of "nameaeh_000002.htm", how is that done?
Use "Format >Page properties", and the center left gray box. This will not cancel the automatic naming, but will add a redirection page. Working this way optimizes the transfers through the automatic FTP. To eliminate the automatic naming (new versions), use the Options button that is in the export dialog.
What should I do if I want many Html pages, or I want to see a preview?
Use the "Publish" menu. To publish directly in Html through FTP, you should upgrade to iPer Hyper Publish PRO.
What can I do with an "AEH"? Can I only see it with PaperKiller?
You can see an "AEH" with almost all Visual Vision products, and with iPerReader (works on the same principle as Acrobat Reader: it is automatically included by the CD Wizard). An AEH file contains a whole hypertext, so your work becomes easy to share. With the "Publish" menu you can convert into Html or Rtf files anytime you want.
How do I attach Java Applets to a page?
With "Insert >HTML" insert the HTML code related to the applet. Instead of the class name, i.e. where you find the classname="appletname.class" part in the code, just write classname="", then place the caret inside the brackets and press the button "Insert page or file ref", then choose the 3rd tab and search for the .class file in the HD. It will work when in HTML only.
How can I insert a file on my manual? For example a ZIP?
You can use “Insert >Link”, 4th tab. Or you can link to separate files on CD.
Why does the size of the AEH remain the same even if I delete some multimedia files?
It is not sufficient to delete a link, a button or a video with the CANC that deletes the button. PaperKiller archives each thing you use in an internal archive or “album”. If you delete the link, the file remains inside the album, to enable fast reuse. If you want to delete the file, please choose “Hypertext >Images - files - link archive and erase”, search the file then delete it with DEL.
Can I save in PDF format?
Yes, indirectly. If you have the Adobe product installed, choose "File >Print" then print to the "Acrobat Distiller". You "print" to this printer, you actually get a PDF file.
If you don't have Adobe, there are also other products that works same way (= do install a "fake" PDF printer under MSWindows). One is "PDF camp" (click here); another one is Go2PDF (click here).
There is also a more complex way by using the free "Ghostscript" (you can find it on simtel.net): you should install a fake PostScript printer (an Apple LaserJet for example), print to FILE: (instead of LPT1), save the file as filename.ps then use Ghostscript to convert from PS to PDF. A correct Ghostscript command on the DOS prompt is gswin32c -q -d -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=c:\nomeoutputfile.pdf nomefile.ps).
I can’t find the answer to my question!
No problem, just write to us! As you see... we respond to all!
I can't delete some objects with DEL.
Use DEL twice.
The XYZ window displays too small for me!
Please resize the window. PaperKiller stores and remembers window settings.
How can I see the hypertext on a browser?
Use "Publish >Browser preview"
I'm writing a manual for an application and I need to include multiple copies of the application logo and application name. Is there a quick way?
Create a new page, insert the name and the logo of the application.
Then you can use "Edit >Paste page from..." to insert the logo anywhere you want.
I can't use tabs!
You can use the "reduce indent" and "increase indent" buttons.
The copy and paste procedure sometimes discards the text format.
This can happen for short text, as PaperKiller tries to use intelligent behavior when you cut & paste. Sometimes the behavior is not exactly as you might expect.
How can I make floating windows?
When a user browses your manual / hypertext, there are two ways a window can show:
- when user clicks on a special link ("Insert >Special link")
- when user enters a page that contains an "open window" component ("Insert >Page functions >Open / close windows"
See samples in "? >Examples".
In a hypertext with lots of images, it seems as though there are problems with previews.
Use “Tools >Program options” to increase the image cache settings.
I can’t “minimize” the application.
Select “Tools >Program options” then “Reset dialogs settings”, then exit from the application.
I have a problem with the program locking up. It seems to be related to the file I am working in because I had a few other files I was working with and I am not having the problem there. If the file is corrupted in some way is there anything I can do about saving some of the pages? Help! I don’t want to start over!
When a file is corrupted the most practical way is to open a new file, and copy the pages (the non-corrupted ones) from the old file, using "Edit >Paste page from...".
How can I protect some Internet pages with a password?
This is a server side thing, your host (or Internet Provider) should be able to provide the information required.
Main differences between HyperPublish (HP) and PaperKiller (PK)?
HP can also publish directly on the Web with its internal automatic FTP engine; has more functions, and has no limits on the maximum page number in each file; additionally it includes the redistribution license for the CD that you can create (click here for a comparation table)
I have EBooksWriter. What is the difference with PaperKiller (PK)?
The EbooksWriter can create self-extracting ebooks, i.e. it can transform an AEH file to an EXE file that a user can click and see (without anything else installed). With EbooksWriter you can also password protect pages or set of pages (they will be encoded with a strong 128 bit encryption). You can also disable print or clipboard copy. The interface is very similar to PK, and you can read PK files.
Do you have a Mac edition?
I have an icon for email - I've checked the tutorial and can't find out how to make this work!
Very simple: select the image, right mouse button on it, "define link", 3rd tab, "+ Add" button, then enter mailto:youraddress@aol.com
The program says “Access Violation XXXX”, then hangs...
You have too much applications opened (”too much” may mean 4-5 in Win98/ME...!). Close some apps or restart the computer.
The error numbers like 00231245E are no use to us at all.
If this happens and you are able to provide us with step by step instructions on how to reproduce the error, (e.g. open the program, write "mickey", press "save" and the error ALWAYS happens) we can correct the problem. Often it is not a problem with the program, but a problem of limited handles within MSWindows.
If I switch to “read only” (Edit/Preview button), the slides don’t appear to work.
You have to use "Hypertext >reload page" to start the slide sequence. To obtain this at load time, configure the hypertext as "Read only" using "Hypertext >Options".
I have noticed that in some of my work, when I resize the windows (larger or smaller), some tables or images move and don't retain their position. Is there a solution to this problem?
You would benefit from practising with the "invisible" tables, and learn how to use them to correctly position images and text. You must remember that the final users screen and window sizes are unknown. At the end of the PDF manual you will find some useful suggestions on how to create this kind of positioning.
I created some pages with the trial version, can I use the project with the registered edition, without having to redo it all?
Yes, sure.
As I have now purchased PK, I want to remove the sentence "VisualVision PaperKiller..." that is inserted on the bottom of the pages.
This is a simple change. When you first use of the full registered program, and before pressing the big "Publish" button, select "All" in the bottom left of the internal FTP dialog. This way the program will refresh all pages (not only those modified) so the sentence will be deleted.
I want an add-on for MS Word, not a stand-alone program, can you advise?
See HELLLP, http://www.guysoftware.com.
I want to try another good program.
Try this http://www.helpscribble.com. This one is also far better than RoboHelp.
I have some registration problems.
Write to the address provided in the registration email. Be sure to include your order # and possibly attach the receipt of the payment so we can proceed faster.
How can I get PaperKiller?
Can’t find the answer? Need help? No problem, contact us!
professional software for great people!
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